OAK (Online Access to Knowledge) Commons is the digital archive of Young Harris College. It contains both material from the distant past as well as scholarship from recent years. OAK Commons is divided into three sections: Historical Archive, College Publications, and Student Scholarship. The Historical Archive contains digitized material from the Zell & Shirley Miller Library Special Collections including class and personal scrapbooks, letters, and papers relating to Young Harris College. College Publications includes both student publications such as Enotah Yearbooks, student newspapers (Enotah Echoes), and literary publications such as Corn Creek Review and Artemas. Student Scholarship contains Undergraduate Research Day projects and other student work. OAK Commons is maintained by the Zell & Shirley Miller Library staff and any questions can be directed to oakcommons@yhc.edu.

Recent Submissions

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    Catalogue Young L. G. Harris Institute 1890
    (1889) Young Harris College
    The catalog from 1889 - 1890 includes faculty, students' names, course of study, expenses, rules, and more.
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    1975 Enotah
    (1975) Young Harris College; Dumesnil, Gary; Shirreffs, Jane; Wheeler, Karen; Jarrett, Ceil; Sims, Michele; Polston, Karen; Wishon, Sheilah; Jolly, Sandra; Jackson, Ross; Belisario, Helene; Bell, Jeff; Jordan, Ben
    The Young Harris College yearbook from 1975 features photographs of students, organizations, and events.
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    1969 Enotah
    (1969) Young Harris College; Farley, Ray; Anderson, Dee; Woodard, Laura; Anglin, Melinda; Brock, Vickie; Chambers, Diane; Dundore, Ron; Ghioto, Phyllis; James, David; Makinson, Kathy; West, Danny
    The Young Harris College yearbook from 1969 features photographs of students, organizations, and events.
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    2004-2009 Inter-Greek Council Scrapbook
    (2009) Young Harris College Inter-Greek Council
    The Young Harris College Inter-Greek Council Scrapbook from 2004-2009 features photographs of Greek organizations, Greek events, and the Mountain Shelter Parade.
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    2004-2006 Student Activity Board Scrapbook
    (2006) Young Harris College Student Activity Board
    The Young Harris College Student Activity Board Scrapbook from 2004-2006 features photographs of students and events.

Communities in The Online Access to Knowledge Commons at YHC

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